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Hosted by:


Organised by:


Wednesday 18 & Thursday 19 October, Kenwood Hall, Sheffield

Headline Sponsors:

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The Local Transport Summit is a 24-hour residential ‘Chatham House Rules’ discussion in a relaxed environment which brings together in a unique way senior people involved in UK local transport from a range of perspectives including political leaders and decision-makers, those responsible for strategy, system design and delivery within transport authorities, and others with a connection to the future of our local transport system as providers, advisors, researchers and activists. The event has the active and support and engagement of the Department for Transport, South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority and other significant professional bodies.

This year’s event will focus on how to develop and (importantly) deliver ambitious and integrated local transport plans.  We will explore how to maximise political and public support for plans to ensure that they have a meaningful impact on decarbonisation and social inclusion goals.  We will aim to secure a diverse range of voices from within and outside the transport planning profession to support new and engaging conversations about how transport professionals can have a greater impact in the work that they do. 


In existence since 2015, the Local Transport Summit 'goes on the road' each year, and has in the past visited different parts of England, including Oxfordshire ,Greater Manchester, West Yorkshire, Hertfordshire, West London and most recently Cardiff. It has established a position as the key annual event for this sector.


Following last year’s highly successful Summit in Wales, this 7th annual Summit will visit Sheffield and will provide another significant occasion to consider current local transport challenges facing Transport Authorities around the country from Climate Change to securing quality public transport provision, and encouraging active travel and sustainable local development.


The summit was created by Local Transport Today to ensure there would be an opportunity at least once a year for those grappling with the broader agendas and choices to come together and take stock of the local transport landscape, and identify both current and future challenges and how professionals can best into shape to address them.

Previous Local Transport Summits

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Worsley Park Hotel, Manchester.jpeg
Mercure Letchworth Hall Hotel.jpeg

Oxford 2016

Manchester 2017

Letchworth, Hertfordshire 2018

Mercure, Bradford.jpeg

Bradford 2019

Holiday Inn, Brentford Lock.jpeg

Brentford, West London 2021


Cardiff 2022

About the networking dinner
Table hosts:

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The networking dinner takes place on the evening of October the 18th, in the impressive Lakeview Suite at Kenwood Hall, Sheffield. The 3-course dinner and reception gives speakers, delegates, sponsors and exhibitors a unique opportunity to meet, network and catch-up in an informal and social environment. We will also be hosting an after dinner speaker soon to be announced.


​A sponsored drinks reception at the bar will be open
before dinner.


​Places at dinner are strictly limited to 120
(12 tables of 10)


To attend, please ensure you have booked the conference and dinner package if you intend to attend both. The dinner price is inclusive of drinks before and during the meal. A selection of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages are available.


​Book early to guarantee a place at this must-attend networking experience!


The dinner opens with networking Drinks at 18:30, with guests seated for dinner at 19.30.

Key highlights


24 hour retreat


Networking dinner




High level discussion

18 October

Programme - 18 October

From Plans to Action: Building Consensus for a Sustainable and Inclusive Local Transport System in Polarised Times


Sheffield City Centre Walking Tour

Meet at Paternoster Row opposite Sheffield Train Station, there will be a minibus return to Kenwood Hall Hotel for 12.30 registration

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Lunch served


Event welcome

Welcome to South Yorkshire - Pat Beijer, Acting Executive Director of Transport, SYMCA
Intro to the event - Peter Stonham, Editorial Director & Chairman, Local Transport Today & Richard Walker, Transport Planning & Policy Adviser, Department for Transport


A review of the local transport landscape: Where are we now?

This first session will set the scene by providing some provocations on the current challenges and opportunities, which will then be explored further in the roundtable discussions that will follow. Joe Ravetz from Manchester University to illustrate the discussions

What are the key challenges?


Chaired by Nicola Kane, Director, Steer 

Panelists includes:

  • Jason Prince, Director, Urban Transport Group

  • Professor Greg Marsden, Institute for Transport Studies

  • Clara Davies, Head of Local Infrastructure Policy Team, Department for Transport

  • Martin Tugwell, Chief Executive, Transport for the North

  • Eleanor Broad, Assistant Director, Create Streets 

  • Charles Wain, Senior Policy Advisor, NIC


Afternoon break

Tea and Coffee served


Round table discussions: Exploring key issues:
10 Round table breakout sessions on 5 key issues

Theme 1 (3 Tables):

If the cost of living is now trumping decarbonisation, how can we reimagine our ideas for the latter to demonstrate how the support the former?

Facilitators and note takers:

Simon Lusby, City Science

Chris Robinson, SYSTRA
Simon Statham, Steer

Theme 2 (2 Tables):

From plan to delivery: What don’t we see coming when we develop a strategy/plan which results in difficulties when trying to deliver on ambition?  How can we overcome those hurdles?


Mark Frost, TPS

Steven Bishop, Steer

Theme 3 (2 Tables):

We know we need to be vision-led and think long-term, but how do we rise above short-term pragmatism which fixes us at ‘business as usual’ to make incremental change now? 


Peter Jones, UCL

Mike Axon, Vectos

Theme 4:

Rural areas are increasingly becoming a blind spot when it comes to solutions to transport related social exclusion and the fact that they contribute far more carbon emissions per head than cities.  What can we do to bring the needs of these areas back into focus?


Kris Beuret, Social Research Associates

Theme 5 (2 Tables):

True 15-minute cities have many, many benefits for communities and the externalities from car use in urban areas?  But how can the concept be reimagined to reclaim it from conspiracy theorists and those badging the idea as ‘anti-car’? 


Becky Fuller, Urban Transport Group

Aoife Dudley, City Science


Afternoon break

Tea and coffee served


Presentation on Baselining Transport Related Carbon in Rotherham
Chris Robinson, Associate Director , SYSTRA & Nat Porter, Interim Group Lead, Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council

South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority Showcase

Panel discussion on The Vision for South Yorkshire in 2050.

Chaired by Nicola Kane, Director, Steer

Panelists include:

Jason Prince, Director, Urban Transport Group
Wil Stewart, Director of Investment, Climate Change and Planning, Sheffield City Council
Nicola Marshall, Active Travel Programme Director, SYMCA


Networking reception

Refreshments served


Networking dinner

Welcome to the dinner - Louise Haigh, MP for Sheffield, Shadow Secretary of State for Transport
After dinner guest sp
eaker - Norman BakerFormer Minister for Local Transport

19 October

Programme - 19 October



Tea and coffee served


Reflections from day 1

Steve Bishop,Director, Steer


Keynote Presentations:

'Carrots and sticks': It's orgins, strengths, limitations, and alternatives
Pete Dyson, Author of 'Transport for Humans' and travel behaviour researcher at University of Bath

Engaging with communities to increasing levels of active travel

Eve Holt, Director, GM Moving


An in-depth look at current issues


1: 15‐minute cities and the denial(s) of auto‐freedom - Loader - 2023 - IPPR Progressive Review - Wiley Online Library 
Professor Ian Loader, Professor of Criminology, University of Oxford

2: Tackling Transport Related Social Exclusion in the North
Katie Day, Director of Strategy, Policy & Communications, Transport for the North

3: Scaling up active travel delivery – building capacity and capability in the profession.
Graham Grant, Director of Planning and Development, Active Travel England

4: Perspectives from an early career transport planner - their hopes and fears for the profession
Molly Hoggard, Transport Planner, Mott MacDonald


Morning break

Tea and Coffee served


Professional practice next steps: How we can incorporate themes from the summit into our activities at national, regional and local level

Panel discussion

Panel will include:

  • Pat Beijer, Acting Executive Director of Transport, SYMCA

  • Rebecca Fuller, Assistant Director, Urban Transport Group

  • Keith Mitchell, Senior Consultant, Stantec

  • Kris Beuret, Director, Social Research Associates

  • Simon Lusby, Director, City Science

  • Stephen Wood, Former Head of Transport & Modelling at Northern Ireland Government 


Summing up and event close

Further details to be announced shortly


Delegate rates

Full Delegate

includes Networking Dinner & Accommodation

£350 + VAT

Day 1 only

£125 + VAT

Day 2 only

£125 + VAT

Dinner & Accommodation

£150 + VAT

Sponsorship, Partnership & Evening Dinner Table Hosting

For sponsorship, partnership and evening dinner table hosting enquiries please contact Jason Conboy on: 020 7091 7895 or email him here.

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