Landor LINKS'
Editorial Policy
Our policies and complaints procedures
Landor LINKS Ltd is a member of The Independent Press Standards Organisation which regulates the UK's magazine and newspaper industry. We abide by the Editor's Code of Practice and are committed to upholding the highest standards of journalism.
If you think we have not met those standards and want to make a complaint please do so in writing to Irina Cocks at: or by post to:
Irina Cocks, Landor LINKS, Apollo House, 359 Kennington Lane, London SE11 5QY.
We aim to acknowledge your complaint within 5 working days of receipt. Complaints will only be accepted within four months from the date of the behaviour of first publication of the article that you are complaining about. Where an article remains accessible on our website, complaints will be accepted up to 12 months from the date of the behaviour or first publication of the article you are complaining about.
When submitting a complaint please include a copt of the article in question, a written explanation for your concerns with reference to the Editor's Code and any other supporting documentation which may help us assess your complaint. We will resolve your complaint within 28 days of receiving everything we need from you to allow us to investigate. If we are unable to resolve your complaint, or if you would like more information about IPS or the Editor's Code, contact IPS on: 0300 123 2224 or visit:
Landor LINKS Editorial Policy and Complaints procedure
IPSO Editor's Code for Practice
IPSO Complaints procedure
Landor LINKS Editorial Complaints Policy
Landor LINKS Ltd take all complaints about editorial content seriously. We are committed to abiding by the Independent Press Standards Organisation ("IPSO") rules and regulations and the Editor's Code of Practice that IPSO enforces ("the Editor's Code").
This policy only applies to complaints about editorial content in our publications and digital books that we control in the UK, Channel Islands and Isle of Man. It does not cover:
Complaints about TV and radio services (these are regulated by Ofcom, ATVOD and/or the BBC Trust)
Complaints about advertising (which are regulated by the Advertising Standards)
Concerns about matters of taste/decency and due impartiality
Complaints about books
Complaints about 'user generated content' (i.e. material on our digital services e.g. websites or apps that were not posted by us or on our behalf) which we have not reviewed or moderated
Any complaint that falls outside the remit of IPSO
How to complain
Complaints should be made in writing, either by email or by post to: Landor LINKS Ltd, Apollo House, 359 Kennington Lane, London SE11 5QY and addressed to the editor of the relevant publication.
Complaints will only be accepted within four months from the date of the behaviour or first publication of the article that you are complaining about. Where an article remains accessible on our website, complaints will be accepted up to 12 months from the date of the behaviour or first publication of the article that you are complaining about.
When making your complaint, you must include:
a copy of the article in question, or a link to the relevant webpage or a web address, if the complaint is about published material (or reference to the publication title, issue date, page and article title if a copy is unavailable);
a written explanation of your concerns with reference to the Editor's Code;
any other documents that will help us assess your complaint
Complaints received without this essential information cannot be considered. We may seek further details after your initial contact. If you cannot provide the requested information we may be unable to consider your complaint.
We will consider complaints from (a) any person who has been directly affected by the matter complained of; or (b) from a representative group affected by an alleged breach of the Editor's Code which is significant and of substantial public interest; or (c) from a third party seeking to correct a significant inaccuracy of published information.
We reserve the right to reject, without further investigation, complaints that show no breach of the Editor's Code; or that are trivial, hypothetical, gratuitously abusive or offensive, or otherwise vexatious or insignificant.
If you are taking legal action, we may be unable to consider your complaint.
What happens to your complaint?
The complaints process is free of charge irrespective of the outcome of your complaint. We aim to acknowledge your complaint within 5 working days of receipt. You agree to respond promptly to any request for further information.
If we receive multiple complaints about the same issue we may make one response to all. We will resolve your complaint within 28 days of receiving everything we need from you to allow us to investigate. If we fail to meet this timescale, you can take your complaint to IPSO.
We will always treat you courteously and with respect. We expect the same from you.
Complaint to IPSO on exhaustion of our complaints procedure
If you are unhappy with our final response to your complaint you may complain to IPSO ( IPSO offers without charge a complaints handling service to the public in cases where there has been a disagreement between a complainant and us about whether the Editor's Code has been breached. We will be asked to confirm that our complaints procedure has been exhausted and will do so in writing.
Policy Changes
We reserve the right to amend this policy as required to ensure compliance with IPSO regulations. We will publish the current policy on our website. Your complaint will be considered against the published policy on the date of receipt.